Avenues to Independence, located in Park Ridge, IL, serves the developmentally disabled in the communities of Park Ridge, Niles, and Des Plaines, IL. Avenues to Independence is accredited by the Commission on the Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities. Avenues provides job placement, case management, referrals, and direct employment through its Work Center. Its residential and supportive housing programs support 75 individuals. Overall, its programs support 175 adults and 21 seniors, all of whom are disabled and low-income. In total the organization employs 88 full-time and six part-time employees. With reductions and delays in state funding, Avenues to Independence and other providers of social services have faced major financial challenges. In 2011, PCG helped refinance the headquartes of Avenues to Independence which houses Avenues’ administrative and maintenance staff, case management personnel, and job placement programs.