Community Facilities

Become a Lending Partner

Join us as a Lending Partner!

We partner with other Community Development Financial Institutions and Community Reinvestment Act-motivated organizations to invest in underserved communities across the country. Our participation lending finances community economic development projects in three main areas:

  1. Affordable Housing
  2. Community Facilities
  3. Commercial Real Estate

When we create a loan participation, we develop a single participation agreement with all sources (one or more financing partners) that:


Innovation meets Impact. Money meets Mission. Capital meets Community.

What is CapNexus?

Developed by Partners for the Common Good (Partners), CapNexus is a searchable online database that matches money and partners to community development finance opportunities. CapNexus enables mission driven capital to get to the borrowers and places that need it -- when they need it.

How Does CapNexus Work?

Loan Products

Loan Products

Partners for the Common Good (Partners) is a national, experienced, mission driven participation lender. We partner with other Community Development Finance Institutions (CDFIs) to provide capital to underserved people and communities by bringing capital and specialized knowledge of our target sectors to our lending partners. Our loan products include: affordable housing, community facilities and commercial real estate.


Our borrowers promote economic empowerment and opportunity for communities across the US and internationally.

We seek borrowers engaged in projects or activities that meet the following criteria:

Benefits of the Network


"Working with Partners has been very beneficial to our loan fund, primarily because it has allowed us to participate in larger loans that have had a greater impact on our target market. Partners has helped to build our capacity as a small and emerging loan fund, offering their expertise on multiple issues."

Executive Director of Legacy Redevelopment Corporation, Milwaukee, WI

Our Model

“Prior to rehabilitation, the building was boarded up, with graffiti covered windows and an uncontrolled parking lot plagued by drug dealing and prostitution. The restoration not only reclaimed the building’s physical beauty, but also played a central role in inspiring further investment at this intersection and in ultimately transforming it from a corner characterized by crime and vacant store fronts to a central hub of Latino commerce in South Minneapolis. Partners helped make it happen.

Our Work

Our idea is simple. Our work is pioneering. Our results are far reaching.

Partners’ mission is to advance economic empowerment by partnering with and strengthening financial institutions to bring capital,create opportunity, and build wealth.

Our Story

Our history is rooted in the corporate responsibility movement of the 1970s. Using their corporate investments, religious institutions pressured companies to provide better working conditions or disinvest in Apartheid South Africa. These institutions also aimed to use a portion of their retirement and other investments to encourage access to capital for underserved communities in the United State.
