As with many successful schools, Michigan Math and Science Academy (MMSA) had reached capacity in both its elementary and middle/high school programs. To alleviate this space constraint, Partners for the Common Good and the Charter Schools Development Corporation (CSDC) provided a $650,000 loan for the acquisition of a 56,600 sq. ft. school building that will house grades K through 5.
The newly acquired building and a separate leased building for the middle and high schools will allow MMSA to provide its college preparatory STEM education to over 1,000 students. Opened in 2009, the school now serves 625 students in Warren, Michigan, ten miles north of downtown Detroit. MMSA’s student body is 80% African American, and 80% of students qualify for free or reduced price lunch. As a mark of its success, 100% of students received college acceptances in the school’s first two graduating classes .
This $325,000 loan is PCG’s second participation with CSDC to support the work of high-achieving charter schools.